Mastering Challenges

Mystic Transmission

* enter the FiEld of the Mystic *

In this Live Transmission Itay will share:

  • Why challenges are an invitation to grow

  • How we can answer this call and where the solutions hide

  • Why there will never be a life without challenges

  • What tools we need today to be able to meet and master challenges - so we can evolve rapidly and not get stuck in past trauma - reliably, fast and effective

Buy your replay here:

Mastering Challenges - Replay

You will receive the link to watch the replay in your own time the day after the event.

Who is Itay Ganot

Itay is a multi- diverse artist, creator and modern mystic.

He is the co-founder of Modern Mystic Arts, dedicated to innovative natural ways for changing states of consciousness.

His methods include Modern Initiation, psycho-magical rituals, and the Mystic Movement Keys.