A Psycho-Mystic Ritual Designed For You
In An Epic Location, Portugal

ITAY GANOT - No need for plants, YOU ARE AYaHUaScA!”



For years I have dedicated myself to mastering the art of psycho-mystical ritual. I opened hundreds of fields and was privileged to lead rituals for thousands of people. In huge group and individual settings. I was presented time and time again with the power and influence of these tools, always in amazement.

Now the Field opens just for you!

For a journey that will reveal the power of psycho-mystic action to you.

What is a psycho-mystical ritual?

The language of the psycho-mystic ritual is the language of the lucid dream. Our subconscious speaks in symbols and archetypes, images and surreal visions. That's why it invites us into the great grace to put reality aside. In the ceremony we speak directly to the unconscious.
Therefore, the effect is immediate and far-reaching.
It bypasses the psychological narratives and biographical stories and connects us to our cosmic library. There are no stories. There are frequencies, symbols, visions and guidance.
The entire ceremony is a collection of frequencies, and creative, physical actions. Supported through certain elements that will be chosen after a deep view into your map.

The ceremony is a celebration of birth!

You can never solve a problem with the state of consciousness that you are at.
Once you face an obstacle, a problem, a challenge, a loop, an addiction, a pattern, a never ending story, you are given your biggest opportunity to climb the ladder.
To birth a new state of consciousness that will illuminate all of your existence and download new data into your temple of intelligence. It will unite you with the source of your spirit and unconditional love. As you are magic itself, while you dive into the mystic, you are back home.

“This experience was unlike any I have ever had,
and one hard to
categorise into words.

The magical essence
and guided healing was the purest gifts one could ever ask for or ever share.”


The Journey


Your journey starts with 3 online sessions which are dedicated to design your psycho-mystic ceremony. In those meetings we will open a channeling, an energetical reading, and a deep view into your family. The journey begins already on our first meeting. Through those sessions the ceremony will be designed especially for you.

The Ceremony
Your ceremony will take place in a special location in nature in the south of Portugal.
The journey starts at sunrise and ends at sunset.
This day is a birthday into the amazing landscapes of magic.

We conclude with an online session one day after the ceremony.

Whom is the Journey for?

The journey is for those who wish to make a quantum leap on a personal level: to close a circle and unite with a new state of consciousness.
And for those who are engaged in the art of transformation.
Therapists, teachers, space holders who want to receive tools for high instruction and deepen their skill in the mystical dimension of existence.

Want to book your personal ceremony?

Send an email to to set your interview with Itay Ganot.
Note: All the rituals are without external substances.
The journey does not include accommodations and food. Registration can be done only above the age of 25.