

personal session

* explore the FiEld of the Mystic *

>>> For a limited time only <<<

you can now book your personal channelling Session with Itay

  • 50 minutes that will give you a complete view of your energy map.

  • Navigating your journey through the traditional family tree from which you came and your options to renew your path.

  • The actions requested of you, according to the guidance now.

  • Focus on what is really happening to you and not what you imagine is happening to you.

  • An encounter that is a quantum leap in recognizing where you are now and where you can go from this point in time.

Book now

Personal Channeling with Itay

Channeling 1on1 with Itay Ganot

You will receive a link to schedule your session with Itay after the purchase.


Who is Itay Ganot

Itay is a multi- diverse artist, creator and modern mystic.

He is the co-founder of Modern Mystic Arts, dedicated to innovative natural ways for changing states of consciousness.

His methods include Modern Initiation, psycho-magical rituals, and the Mystic Movement Keys.