Emotional Alchemy

the secrets of the
chrystal Sword

FREE Transmission

* enter the FiEld of the Mystic *

In this Free Transmission Itay sharEs:

  • why emotions are mostly relicts of the past & at the same time huge energy reserves

  • how emotional release is not the end of the journey to greater maturity and how punching a pillow will only get you so far

  • what emotional alchemy is in the mystic sense

  • what tools we need today to unlock our evolution - reliably, fast and effective

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Emotional Alchemy - Replay
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Who is Itay Ganot

Itay is a multi- diverse artist, creator and modern mystic.

He is the co-founder of Modern Mystic Arts, dedicated to innovative natural ways for changing states of consciousness.

His methods include Modern Initiation, psycho-magical rituals, and the Mystic Movement Keys.